Telephone Session Fees
are paid for by VISA or MasterCard
Gift Certificates
are available
Just Because

Current Website Sale Fees
A FREE electronic recording of the session will be emailed to you.
*Guided Healing Sessions and Guided Meditations are not recorded.
Email Discount Coupons
If you would like to receive email discount coupons towards the private sessions, please send your email address to JanMeryl@verizon.net
Regular Fees
If you live in the continental US or in Canada, Jan will be happy to call you for the scheduled session so that you will not have to absorb the telephone long distance charges. Please let Jan know your preference.
Jan does not return international telephone calls (except to Canada). However, she does do international sessions via telephone. You may schedule international telephone sessions via email at janmeryl@verizon.net
If you would like to be notified of Jan’s teleconferences, workshops, new self-healing products and appearances, in addition to receiving email discount coupons towards the private sessions, please send your email address to Jan at the above address.
60 minute
$225 Any Service
30 Minutes
Question and Answer
Question and Answer Channeling
Call or email Jan to schedule your channeling
session or a personal Energy Field Health Scan now.
Package Requirements
All packages will be billed on the first of the month for the first session of that month.
You may schedule as many of these sessions as you like within any month, but you must use a minimum of one per month until the package is used up.
1. A single session minimum fee will be automatically charged to your credit card at the beginning of every month until the package is used up. Additional sessions during the month will be billed when used.
You also have the option to prepay for the package.
2 All sessions expire at the end of the 3 month, 6 month or 12 month time period regardless of whether you have used the time or not.
3. It is up to you to schedule your minimum monthly sessions. You will loose the session for that month if you do not schedule a session during that month.
Suggestion: We can have an automatic set time, i.e. The first and third Tuesday of every month at 3:00 PM.
4. If you choose to cancel your package you will owe and be billed the difference between the full website regular price and the amount you were charged for each session you used on the package.
Jan Meryl is not a medical doctor and claims no formal training in psychology or medicine. All her training has been gained through meditation, contact with spirit guides and many years of learning from the information revealed in her medical intuition readings. Through these modalities she has helped thousands of people to grow and understand who they really are and how they create their own personal reality. Intuitive readings will offer information about the energy that you carry. If you are seeking a medical diagnosis or treatment, you should see a doctor.
The services provided by Jan Meryl include intuitive perception only. It is the individual responsibility of any and all participants to use your free will to determine the choices that you make in your life that are right for you. Jan Meryl does not accept any assumed or implied responsibility whatsoever for your choices or actions made subsequent to her readings and use of her self-healing products. Any referral to another person, product or company is done without endorsement.